Playlist for the Big Release

Have you ever had to release a new product when you knew it wasn't fully ready? Not the "not perfect" but "you must be out of your mind" ready. It's not the best feeling in the world. You do everything in your power and try to stay optimistic while planning for the dreadful release. But most importantly, you plan everything to the smallest detail: release steps, monitoring, rollback steps, etc. You even build a situational music playlist you will listen to during the release. Or at least that's what one of the teams I know did. True story!

The Playlist

Theme song no. 1Release Me
Theme song no. 2Blood Sweat & Tears
WarmupDanger Zone
Unforseen problemsBlood Sweat & Tears
Everything seems to be going wellPush It To The Limit
Need to do a rollbackNo Easy Way Out
Need to do an all-nighter firefightingNight Of Fire
Release completedCaramelldansen

What songs do you or your team listen to during big releases?

Credit for the playlist: Rasmus Østerlund Feldthaus Hansen